I am Professor of Palaeoclimatology in the Department of Meteorology at the University of Reading, UK.
Currently I am joint Head of the Meteorology Department (Aug 2021-Aug 2024). I am also a member of the Well-being, Inclusion, Diverty, and Equality committee.
I moved to the University of Reading in August 2013. Prior to that I was a lecturer and then senior lecturer in the School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol.

I have a varied scientific background, having completed a four-year undergraduate degree in physics from Imperial College, London, and then undertaking doctoral studies in archaeological science at the University of Oxford in the Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art.

I have tackled a range of different environmental questions in my research over the years, but several themes have been consistent. I have used modelling approaches to help understand of the mechanisms of changes. I have concentrated on questions of land surface changes (anthropogenic and natural) and their interactions with climate.